Old Capitol Saddle Club
Amendments to ARTICLE IX Section 1: Concerning the price of Dues.
As of the November 2019 meeting, the club dues shall be:
$50.00 per year for a family membership and
$35.00 per year for a single membership
see below for meeting minute notes on this change
The OCSC met Thursday, November 7, 2019 at the clubhouse on the Old Capitol Saddle Club grounds. The meeting was called to order followed with the Pledge to the American Flag. The Secretary and Treasurer’s report were read and approved.
As according to the by-laws Article XVll may be amended by two thirds majority vote of the members present at the Annual Meeting, or by 2/3 vote of the members at any special meeting provided that ten days notice in writing of the intention to meet and amend is mailed to the members.
At this 2019 annual meeting the amendment to raise the membership dues to $50.00 per family and $35.00 per single person was voted on. This change would take effect beginning for the 2020 year dues. After discussion, a vote was taken, with the majority vote in favor of the price increase.